Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Preparedness Information
St. Francis-Emory Healthcare is committed to providing the highest quality care and ensuring the safety of our patients, employees, providers, volunteers and visitors. We are continuing to monitor the evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and are taking the necessary steps to ensure we are fully prepared to care for patients, in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in partnership with our local and state health departments.
Below are a number of resources to help educate you and your family on COVID-19. For more information on the virus, please contact the health department. To view an updated report on COVID-19 cases in Georgia, click here.
COVID-19 Online Risk Assessment
To help support the health of our community, we are providing access to an online COVID-19 risk assessment developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This tool does NOT provide a diagnosis, and it should NOT be used as a substitute for an assessment made by a healthcare provider.
Quick Links:
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Georgia Department of Public Health
- Georgia Department of Public Health - West Central
- Georgia Hospital Association
Outpatient and Physician Offices
Patients are allowed one healthy support person per visit.
- Only one healthy visitor 12 and older may go with the patient to the office or outpatient department.
- All patients and visitors will be screened for COVID-19 at the appointment location.
- A sticker will be given to both the patient and visitor to identify screening compliance.
- Due to limited space availability, Endoscopy, Radiology and Outpatient Lab will only allow a support person by pre-approval of the department.
Visitor Restrictions and
Limited Entrance Access
Visitors must enter through the Main Entrance at 2122 Manchester Expressway.
- No visitors are permitted for COVID-19 positive patients at any time
- Exceptions to this rule will be permitted with approval only for special exceptions
- Visitors are required to wear a visitor ID sticker at all times while in the facility
- Visitors must answer questions using a kiosk or at the nearest screening station
- Visitors 12-years of age and older are welcome
Mask Policy
St. Francis-Emory Healthcare requires all visitors, patients and staff to wear medical grade masks, no cloth masks are allowed. Visitors who request a medical grade mask will be provided one.
Visitor Management
The new visitor protocol requires ALL visitors to enter through the Main Entrance at 2122 Manchester Expressway. Visitors MUST HAVE A VALID ID. All visitors are required to wear a mask and Visitor ID badge at all times while in the facility. All visitors will enter through the Main Lobby and check-in using the kiosk to answer screening questions and obtain an ID badge. A valid ID is required for all visitors.
Hospital Entry After Hours
All visitors are required to enter through the Main Manchester Expressway Entrance for COVID screening and to receive a badge from the kiosk. Visitors arriving after 9 p.m. will be asked to use the phone in the entryway to call Security for entrance. Security will then assist the support person in checking in at the kiosk and printing a badge, which they will need to wear throughout their time in the hospital.
Current Visiting Hours
- Inpatient:
Two healthy support persons (may exchange) from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. One support person may remain overnight but is encouraged to arrive before 9 p.m. (see After Hours Entry above). Kiosk sign-in and Visitor ID badge is required. - Non-COVID ICU/CCU:
Two healthy support persons (may exchange) from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. A pause of visitation will occur daily during the hours of 5-8 a.m. and 5-8 p.m. Kiosk sign-in and Visitor ID badge is required. - OB:
Two healthy support persons in L&D. Three support persons allowed in post-partum. Siblings are allowed, no age limit. - Physician Services/Outpatient Areas:
One healthy support person. - Cardiac Cath Area:
Two healthy support persons. - Endoscopy, Outpatient Lab, Imaging (to include Pain Injection Suite):
Support person by exception only due to limited space in the waiting areas. - Chapel:
Open 24/7. Closes at 9:30-10:30 a.m. and 1:30-2:30 p.m. for cleaning. - ER:
One support person for any patient (holding or main ED).